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Dental Exams & Cleanings in Calgary, AB

Taking Care of Teeth at Home

What is Plaque?

Flossing After Brushing

After brushing your teeth every morning, you should floss them as well. Flossing them allows you to remove food debris and plaque caught between teeth so that the food doesn’t break down and start developing tooth decay.

What Happens in Dental Exams?

Preventive dental care is essential to maintaining good oral health and averting serious problems in the future. Every six months, our dentists in Calgary want you to come in for routine dental exams. During these check-ups, they will:
  • Take x-rays to review them
  • Thoroughly examine your teeth
  • Look for tooth damage and signs of cavities and gum disease
  • Examine the soft tissues of your mouth for lumps or hard growths
  • Look down your throat for dark spots
  • Examine your tongue, cheeks, and neck for growths
After examining your teeth and mouth, our dentists will remove any plaque and tartar on your teeth and then clean them.

How Often Should I Have My Teeth Professionally Cleaned?

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